
Huh Man-jung was a co-founder of LG Group and GS Group and a Korean independence activist. He was born in 1897 in South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea.

In 1914, Huh Man-jung established Baeksin Sanghoe, a secret funding organization in Shanghai, to support the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. Baeksin Sanghoe was a trading company selling grains, textiles, and seafood. However, this was merely a facade to cover its real purpose of raising funds for the independence movement. Baeksin Sanghoe used its profits and capital to support the independence movement.

At 22, Huh Man-jung experienced the March 1st Movement in 1919. This experience led him to realize the importance of establishing schools for liberation. In 1925, he founded Jinju Ilsin Girls’ High School, the predecessor to Jinju Girls’ High School. In 1923, he supported the Jinju Hyeongpyeong Movement, a liberation movement for Baekjeong, a group situated at the bottom tier of the societal hierarchy. He also contributed to providing the site for Jisoo Elementary School, from which people like Koo In-hwoi and Lee Byung-chul graduated.

Following the liberation in 1946, Huh Man-jung proposed business investment and management participation to Koo In-hwoi, the founder of LG Group, thus assisting in establishing the LG Group and GS Group, which now play a significant role in the South Korean economy.

In 1947, Huh Man-jung co-founded Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd., the precursor to LG Group, with Koo In-hwoi from the same village. He also enabled his eldest son, Huh Jung-gu, to participate in the management of Samsung Trading Corporation, making him a co-founder of Samsung Group. His third son, Huh Joon-koo, was sent to Koo In-hwoi to participate in the management of LG Group. He passed away in 1952 during the Korean War.


▲ November 1897 = Born in Seungsan-ri, Habong-myeon, Jinyang, South Gyeongsang Province.

▲ 1919 = Experienced the March 1st Independence Movement in Seoul.

▲ 1919 = Co-founded Baeksan Trading Company (a secret funding organization to support the independence movement).

▲ 1920 = Appointed as an auditor at Hyeopseong Corporation and a Juil Trading Company director.

▲ 1922 = Donated 30 won to Hwang Im-sung, a member of the Daehan Youth Association.

▲ 1923 = Supported the Hyungpyeong Movement in Jinju (a movement to liberate butchers).

▲ 1925 = Established Jinju Ilshin Girls’ High School (now Jinju Girls’ High School).

▲ 1927 = Advisor to Dong-A Ilbo’s Jinju branch.

▲ 1928 = Vice President of Choongwae Ilbo.

▲ January 1947 = Co-founded Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd. (the precursor to LG Group).

▲ February 1952 = Passed away.