A devastating fire erupted at a factory, thrusting local firefighters into a desperate race against time. Despite deploying fire engines and helicopters, their efforts were hindered by the site’s inaccessibility, intensifying the urgency of the situation. In the midst of the chaos, a crackling radio transmission broke through: “Chhk—This is Shigwang Heavy Rescue Service.” “Shigwang Heavy Rescue Service? Isn’t that the team with the legendary firefighter who has a flawless rescue record?” someone exclaimed. Enter Hosu, a firefighter with the extraordinary ability to foresee the future. “We’ll be there in three minutes. That’s enough time for the rescue,” he announced confidently.

From the webtoon 1 Second: Legendary firefighter Hosu, with the power to foresee the future, races to save lives. /Courtesy of Naver Webtoon

Set in the fictional city of Shigwang, the Naver Webtoon 1 Second explores the lives of firefighters and their extraordinary rescue missions. Since late November, the series has been airing as an animated adaptation on the Educational Broadcasting System (EBS). Renowned for its detailed depictions of disasters and focus on safety education, 1 Second stands apart from traditional webtoon entertainment. Launched in 2019, the series is now in its third season, with 284 episodes released as of Dec. 25. It has garnered over 380 million views globally, with each episode attracting between 1 million and 1.5 million readers. In a market dominated by action-fantasy stories featuring grotesque creatures and epic battles, the webtoon has carved out a unique niche with its life-saving, educational narrative, earning widespread acclaim.

Inside a modest 20-pyeong (approximately 660-square-foot) studio in Seoul’s Seodaemun District, six staff members meticulously refine their drawings on digital tablets. Their desks are lined with specialized texts such as Basic Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Safety Laws. This studio serves as the creative hub for writer sini (Kim Shin-hee, 34) and illustrator Choi Kwang-woon (33), the duo behind the webtoon.

“To ensure the realism of rescue scenes, we conduct extensive research, including field visits and studying firefighting materials,” Kim explained. “Comics have a strong influence on young readers, so we avoid overly destructive themes. Perhaps this focus on safety is why the series was chosen for an educational platform like EBS.”

The webtoon has received widespread praise for its hyper-realistic portrayal of firefighting equipment, from Volvo fire trucks to Hyundai Fire Fighting Trucks and Hyundai Mighty vehicles. Fans often marvel at the astonishing detail, with comments like, “Even professional firefighters would be impressed.” These accolades are a testament to the creators’ rigorous research and dedication.

Both Kim and Choi have undergone formal firefighting training. In 2018, Kim, who had conceived the idea for the series, approached Choi, a university junior, to collaborate. Together, they immersed themselves in firefighting knowledge, studying equipment, facilities, and safety regulations. They trained at the National Fire Service Academy in Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do, and conducted field research at Suwon Fire Station. Later that year, they attended the National Firefighter Skills Competition to observe firefighters in action.

“Real-life firefighters are much faster and more efficient than what’s shown in movies or dramas,” Choi noted. “We studied their movements, as well as the mechanics and design of their equipment, to authentically integrate these details into the webtoon. It’s rewarding when readers notice and appreciate this effort.”

The concept for 1 Second had been in development for 12 years. Kim’s inspiration came from his time as a public service worker at Cheonan Fire Station in 2012. “I vividly remember witnessing firefighters performing CPR and citizens being rushed to ambulances, bleeding profusely,” Kim recalled. “What seemed like mere moments to me felt like an eternity for those in distress, while for the firefighters, it was a relentless race against time. I wanted to honor their unwavering dedication.”

Some characters in the series are based on real-life individuals Kim encountered during his time at the fire station. Team Leader Shin Joon-beom, known for his humor, and ex-Marine Corps veteran Chief Kim Young-jin are inspired by former colleagues. Notably, Shin made headlines in February for rescuing a guardian and patient trapped in an overturned ambulance on a highway while off duty, a feat featured on SBS’s YouTube channel Man in Black Box.

Illustrator Kwang-woon (left) and writer sini working together in their studio in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. /Kim Ji-ho