As South Korea’s birth rate continues to decline, the government announced in March 2023 that it would prioritize low birthrate measures as a crucial national agenda. The measures implemented so far have predominantly focused on providing financial assistance. However, the decision of the younger generation not to have children stems not only from economic burdens. The societal and cultural psychological factors that create challenges in bearing and raising children also play a significant role in influencing the decision to opt-out of childbirth. ChosunBiz aims to extensively explore the previously overlooked reasons behind the low birth rate. [Editor’s note]

Bringing joy both in the past and present, the birth of a child was once common even in difficult times. However, in contemporary society, some opt not to have children despite improved living conditions. Psychology professor Chey Jean-yung from Seoul National University suggests that this shift is influenced by the changing social dynamics, as humans, being social beings, “adapt to evolving societal environments.

In traditional societies with extended families, there were always relatives like grandparents, uncles, and aunts available to care for children, even when parents were busy. However, as families transitioned to nuclear structures, the responsibility of child-rearing became solely that of the parents. Chey explained the absence of a support system during challenging times in raising children has led to a shift in belief, where individuals, as the environment changes, are beginning to shy away from childbirth.

Chey emphasized the necessity of rebuilding trust in the community’s willingness to support childbirth and child-rearing in Korean society. According to her, there should be a shift in the environment to enable communal child-rearing, ultimately proving beneficial for the community. As an illustration, supporting employees in having and raising children can lead to increased employee loyalty and improved workplace performance for companies, she said.

Engaged in the study of clinical neuroscience, Chey currently serves as the President of the Korean Psychological Association (KPA). ChosunBiz conducted an interview with her on July 21, 2023, at Seoul National University.

Psychology professor Chey Jean-yung from Seoul National University speaks during an interview with ChosunBiz on July 21, 2023, at Seoul National University./Lee Tae-kyung
Psychology professor Chey Jean-yung from Seoul National University speaks during an interview with ChosunBiz on July 21, 2023, at Seoul National University./Lee Tae-kyung

What psychological factors contribute to the decline in childbirth among Koreans?

“In traditional societies, emphasizing the creation of extended families through childbirth held significant importance. Children not only shouldered the responsibility of caring for their parents in their later years but also played a role akin to social security. Despite the challenges, raising children was a shared effort, with grandparents, uncles, aunts, and other relatives offering support as needed. However, with industrialization came the shift to nuclear families, making it challenging for urban residents to access help from extended family members when facing difficulties in child-rearing. Unlike the past, where temporary childcare assistance from neighbors was possible, today, parents bear the entire responsibility for their children. With a lack of support, juggling the demands of work and childcare becomes increasingly challenging. Presently, our society does not foster a child-friendly environment for giving birth and raising children.”

Many now view the act of giving birth as a personal choice.

“As social beings, humans are susceptible to the influences of their surroundings. The changing social landscape has led many to perceive choosing not to have children as a logical decision. The human brain acknowledges that the current environment in Korea is not conducive to child-rearing, creating a sense of crisis. While boosting the birth rate may be a national agenda, individuals might question, ‘Why should I opt for childbirth for the sake of the country?’ In the 1960s and 1970s, Korea, in its effort to overcome poverty, pursued state-led population control policies. The older generation may consider contributing to the country as part of economic policy. However, the younger generation holds a different perspective, seeing having and raising children as a personal choice rather than a public obligation. The focus should shift from mandating childbirth to establishing an environment supportive of it. It is necessary to induce individual choices through behavioral science.”

Then, how can we foster a supportive environment for raising children?

“First and foremost, I would like to advise against fixating on birth rates. The government cannot control individual behavior; it should instead guide choices. This raises the question of how to influence these choices. The key lies in prioritizing the belief that having and raising children is acceptable and restoring trust in the community. Before delving into discussions about birth rates, it’s essential to invest in community support.

Today, many young women pursue education and careers. However, instances of women being sidelined from organizations after giving birth are not uncommon. When one has invested time and effort into building a career, avoiding parenthood becomes an unfortunate inevitability. It becomes a personal choice born out of necessity. In such cases, companies should play a role in facilitating the process of having and raising children. While companies are primarily profit-driven, accurate evaluation of individual performance is crucial. Research indicates that when companies champion a family-friendly culture, employees demonstrate increased loyalty and dedication, leading to enhanced performance. Even Silicon Valley in the United States, historically perceived as a male-dominated culture, is now embracing a family-friendly atmosphere.

This principle applies universally. For instance, there was a student in a graduate school laboratory who utilized maternity leave. Upon her return, she displayed even greater dedication and proficiency. This was attributed to the realization that the organization provided support during challenging times. Recognizing and respecting the developmental tasks in every individual’s life is essential for fostering positive outcomes within an organization. The desire to reciprocate the care and consideration received becomes a natural inclination.”

Kindergarteners having fun on a field trip, one day ahead of the 100th anniversary of Children's Day at the Asia Culture Center in Dong-gu, Gwangju, on May 4, 2023./Chosun DB

Korea primarily implements policies that offer financial support for families with children. What other measures are needed to address the declining birthrate?

“The perception that individual families should handle childcare needs to shift towards a more communal approach. During the COVID-19 crisis, most Nordic countries closed workplaces, but schools remained open. This was because closing schools would leave children without adequate care. Ultimately, the community should play a role in supporting childcare.

Investing in public education is also essential. A comprehensive childcare system should be established to bridge gaps in care. Examining well-developed welfare systems in countries like Canada reveals that schools serve as central hubs in local communities. In Korea, schools are often viewed solely as vehicles for academic success or social status, but they should transform into resources for local communities, fostering a safe environment for children to grow.”

Last year, private education expenses for elementary, middle, and high school students reached an all-time high of $19.7 billion (26 trillion won). Some argue that excessive educational costs have an impact on the declining birthrate.

“While it is a known fact that private education expenses can be burdensome, it is unrealistic to completely eliminate private education in a democratic nation. Nordic countries, in fact, do not heavily rely on private education; they place trust in and utilize public education. Despite being a nation that places importance on private education due to limited resources, policies are needed to encourage people to opt for public education.”

Korea predominantly implements parenting policies that revolve around the concept of the ‘traditional family,’ consisting of couples and children. It seems crucial, however, to foster a diverse society where children can flourish, irrespective of whether they are born within conventional marital bonds.

“This inclination is rooted in the enduring influence of Confucian culture in Korea. The country still retains certain aspects of its historical norms. Yet, it’s essential to recognize the equal value of every child, not solely those born to married couples. Providing systematic support for single mothers and fathers becomes pivotal in ensuring they can effectively nurture their children independently.

The issue of Korea’s low birthrate goes beyond individual choices of having children; it underscores the need for a society that encourages and supports the upbringing of children. As former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton often emphasized, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ Merely attributing the responsibility for low birthrates to individuals does not address the core issue. The fundamental step is to cultivate an environment where having and raising children is embraced. Without the restoration of trust in the community, achieving an increase in birth rates remains a formidable challenge.”