The Rural Development Administration has concluded that U.S.-grown Living Modified Organism (LMO) potatoes are safe for cultivation, removing one of the final domestic regulatory barriers to their potential entry into South Korea. This latest approval follows earlier safety assessments by the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute in 2019 and the Ministry of Environment in 2020. The only remaining requirement is a human health risk evaluation by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

That final review, however, is expected to take several more years. Officials note that even after receiving findings from relevant agencies, the ministry typically requires over three years to complete its toxicity and allergenicity assessments. As a result, actual imports of the genetically modified potatoes remain a distant prospect. Some observers suggest the government may be easing non-tariff barriers—such as quarantine regulations—as a possible concession in trade talks with the United States under the Donald Trump administration.

Graphics by Rhee Choul-won
Graphics by Rhee Choul-won

According to multiple government agencies on Mar. 24, the Rural Development Administration notified the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety on Feb. 21 that it had approved cultivation safety for the U.S. potato variety “SPS-Y9,” developed by American producer Simplot. The decision comes seven years after Simplot first applied in April 2018 to import the genetically engineered potatoes for food use.

LMOs, a subset of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), are crops modified through artificial genetic engineering to express specific traits. The term refers to organisms that remain viable and capable of reproduction.

In South Korea, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety oversees the overall quarantine process for imported food products, while other agencies—including the Rural Development Administration—conduct domain-specific safety evaluations upon request. For the U.S. LMO potato, the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute assessed marine ecosystem impact, the Ministry of Environment reviewed environmental effects, and the Rural Development Administration evaluated cultivation safety. A Rural Development Administration official said the agency determined that the potatoes pose minimal risk of genetic contamination to local crops, resulting in the favorable safety ruling.

Graphics by Rhee Choul-won

South Korea already imports several LMO crops. In 2023, the country imported 860,000 tons of genetically modified food crops, including 440,000 tons of corn and 420,000 tons of soybeans, all from the United States. Additionally, 2.3 million tons of feed-grade LMOs were imported, comprising 2.19 million tons of corn and 113,000 tons of cottonseed.

Although South Korea imported roughly 161,000 tons of potatoes last year—accounting for about 30 percent of its total domestic output of 524,000 tons—none of them were genetically modified.

The newly approved potato variety is engineered for frying applications, such as French fries. Unlike conventional potatoes, which brown quickly after being cut, Simplot’s modified variety resists discoloration and produces fewer carcinogens when fried. While no scientific evidence has yet linked the potatoes to adverse health effects, concerns remain. In 2019, opposition to LMO potato imports surfaced domestically, with critics warning that the genetically altered crops could accumulate harmful substances in the human body and pose unquantified ecological risks.

On Mar. 24, several South Korean farmers’ advocacy groups held a press conference at the National Assembly, reiterating their opposition to LMO potato imports.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety stated it will assess the genetically modified potatoes for toxicity, allergenic potential, unforeseen risks, and any reduction in nutritional value. “Given the prior public controversy, we intend to carry out a comprehensive evaluation and take the necessary time,” a ministry official said.

Some analysts view the Rural Development Administration’s approval as part of a broader move to ease non-tariff barriers—such as agricultural quarantine regulations—in response to pressure from Washington. During Industry Minister Ahn Duk-geun’s visit to the United States last month, U.S. officials reportedly called on South Korea to relax such restrictions, specifically urging the approval of LMO potato imports.